Thursday 22 September 2016

PS4 Pro, PlayStation VR News & Updates: Sony Taking Next Gen Consoles on UK Tour Starting Today [DETAILS]

By Mariel Peralta , CP Contributor

September 22, 2016|2:31 am

PlayStation VRPlayStation Official Website

The PlayStation VR with the PlayStation Camera and PlayStation Move

UK gamers will have the chance to test out the PlayStation VR and PS4 Pro for free starting today.

Sony has announced that they will be taking their next generation gaming devices for a tour in the UK. The tour is scheduled ahead of the official launch of the devices to give UK fans a chance to test it out for themselves. The PlayStation VR will be launched by October 13 and the PS4 Pro will be released on November 10.

PS4 Pro, PlayStation VR UK Tour DatesAccording to Sony's PlayStation website, the tour starts in EGX, Birmingham and then to Glasgow, Sheffield, Bristol, and Manchester.

The tour starts Sept. 22 to Sept. 25 at EGX in Birmingham. It then resumes Sept. 29 to October 2 in the Buchanan Galleries in Glasgow. Then, it will be on October 6 to October 9 in Meadowhall, Sheffield. The PlayStation VR, PS4 Pro continues on October 12 to October 16 at the Kachette, Shoreditch in London. Then on October 20 to October 23, it will be at Cabot Circus in Bristol. The last leg of the tour will be on October 27 to October 30 at Sackville Street in Manchester.

The time for these tours do vary so fans will have to visit Sony's website for the exact time as registration is also needed to be able to try out the PS4 Pro and PlayStation VR. A survey will have to be taken first before the registration can proceed.

Videogamer points out that Sony has recommended fans to pre-register ahead of time so their slots can be guaranteed. The sessions will be given on a first-come, first-serve basis so other people who may turn up on the spot at the last second may not be able to get in.

PS4 Pro Not Playable During Tour?During the tour, Sony will include PlayStation 4 demos, but it isn't known if the PS4 Pro will be playable. It is only known that the PS4 Pro will be "on display", but no games for it were mentioned during their announcement.

PlayStation VR UK Tour Game DemosAccording to Metro, the games that will be included in the tour are: "Resident Evil 7 Biohazard", "Until Dawn: Rush of Blood", "DriveClub VR", "Batman: Arkham VR", "Farpoint", "EVE Valkyrie", "PlayStation VR Worlds", "Battlezone", "RIGS", and "Robinson: The Journey."